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It's not real obvious how to get that atmospheric effect with acrylics. This is one way I stumbled on. Paint the picture in a straight forward manner. Overall glaze with red, let dry. Overall glaze with yellow, let dry. With Golden Fluid Zinc White glaze selectively over the sky, water, mountians. Then darkened the reflection of the trees with a dark green glaze.
Redtail Gallery Solo Show Sandpoint, Idaho July 27 - Sept 10, 2007 Seven paintings sold including Mountain Stream, 3'x4'
News: It's official, my painting on the cover of SkyWest Magazine, Nov. - Dec. issue, with article, interview and photos. Seen by two million people. Look for it when you fly.
I'm back from the east coast! Which is why no posts for a while.
12x12' Acrylic on canvas $850
First the canvas was coated with gel medium. Then, while still wet, I painting into to it. Very much like oil the way it feels. It stayed wet a long time allowing blending. After it dried I repainted just about everything.
The panel was given three thin coats of regular gesso to avoid brush strokes. Then one coat of Golden Absorbant Ground which acts something like bristle board. It's more rugged because it isn't paper, paint lifts off easily. Very nice surface to work on. Used Yarka watercolors.
All in all water soluable oils is pretty nice stuff to paint with. I think of it as slow drying acrylics. Water clean up and thinning is very convenient.
Did this for fun using watercolor on Golden Absorbant Ground over several layers of gesso on hardboard. The mammal has been called a cat, dog, jackle and old boot. You can see some of the interesting effects possible with this material.